Thursday, November 24, 2016

5 documentaries significants that I watched in 2016

I am launching a serie of texts in this final part of year, revealing to you things that had meaning in my life this year. It will be like a revision about representative happenings. Thus, in this first text I would like to talk about meaningful documentaries that I watched during this year, and that changed something in my form to think. Similarly, during the next weeks unto the final of the year, I am going to present movies, series, musics, books and happenings that changed something in my life.
First of all, who knows me is conscious about how much time I spent every week watching something on TV. However, some people imagine that I spend a lot of time watching only movies and series. Although I have spent really less time watching documentary, I still have spent time learning and reflecting about different matters in documentaries. Then, I present the five most relevant documentaries I watched in 2016.

1-  THE MASK YOU LIVE IN (2015):

I already commented about this documentary, nonetheless I am listing here because is important as a form to understand why are men as they are. In this film we can reflect the fact that the men are developed to be as they are. Unfortunately, many men can not be naturally themselves, because the society wants them be hard, dominants, aggressive, and avoiding to be sissy. As a result, you can have impressive reflections watching this wit documentary. If you want to see more about it, you can visit:

2- THE BIBLE (2013):

This is a series in 10 chapters about the Christian Bible, of course. As a lover of this book, I can not pass a year without watching anything about it. Surely, this is a good production, about the entire story, since the creation unto the resurrection of Jesus with good fidelity. Every day, the Bible has changed something within my life, then, this documentary helped in the duty this year.

3- LAST CHANCE U (2016):

Last chance University is about dreams. Furthermore, it is about glee, frustration, overcomes, hard work, sadness, pain, victory, and much more. The true happenings presented remember a lot our young people here in Brasil. The difference is that young americans are dreaming with success through american football, on the other hand, Brazilians are dreaming exactly the same form, but through soccer. Moreover, I believe to be important to reflect as the school is important for american students inside the educational system, even for athletes, and not only be good players. It is clear that be a good athlete in USA is a jump to a better future. Even more, the study is also very important, and who do not have good grades rarely will receive an opportunity in the university. Thus, this is a good documentary to help reflecting about how to overcome in life, searching to achieve better goals.


Considering that I did not use marijuana before, and that I do not pretend to use, even so I loved this documentary. Although many preconcepts against the users, as well as many laws in different countries, I really believe that information is the most important content when you can not respond your ideas with good arguments. As I said before, I do not want to consume marijuana, but I have changed my thought a lot after to watch this documentary. The production shows many motives to use it, as well as legalize it. Therefore, I would not like to do a campaign in favor of the users, however this documentary explained many doubts that I had.


I have here another documentary-series that I talked about before. Nonetheless, I need to put it here again, because it caused some changes in my form to think about guilty or innocence. This real case of criminal innocence or guilt, involving trials and many consequences will take you for several hours, changing your opinion the whole time. Therefore, this documentary have also changed part of my life this year. If you want to read more about, please visit:

Thus, this is my list of the five important documentaries that I watched this year. If you did not watch before, I recommend to you. Before wrap up this text I also would like to recommend "Tales by light (2016)" about photograph and the cultural impact, as well as "Pimp City: a journey into the center of the sex trade (2014)" about the sex traffic in USA. Have a nice week and see you soon.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

A letter for my daughter

Dear daughter,

It is difficult to begin this text, because I have much to talk to you. You know that you are my princess since the beginning. Yes, you know. Even though, I comprehend that sometimes I can not deliver to you all of necessary. I am trying. However, during this time being your dad, I found out as tough is to be a father. I would like to be a perfect father for you. As you deserve. Yes, you deserve so much. If I could to reach, I could deliver the stars to you. Or even a piece of any dream you have. Unfortunately I can not. I only know that be a father is the toughest thing I ever imagined. Despite it, I also know that be your father is the sweetest thing in this world. Furthermore, you are that piece of perfection that lacked in my life unto your birth. I love you and I love even more the opportunity to be your father.
I feel bad for the times that I was rough with you. I know that almost all the time the intention was to educate and prepare you for the right circumstances. Even that, you are a precious flower, and a flower needs a delicate treatment. I am always willing to do the best for you. Perhaps God will bless me as a better father. Day by day I will hope it. Yes, I want it. Oh God, deliver to me the wisdom and the skills to be the father that my daughter deserves.
I even know that in life you will need to struggle with difficult situations and times. Despite during these tough times I might not be always with you in presence, nonetheless I want to be within your heart helping you. Learn to hear your heart, because I will be there for you. The love has no borders. I can transpose all the barriers, because I am your dad, and as a superhero I have this power to be with you forever. Hear me and be with me, because I love you and the love is the biggest force ever in this universe. 
Never allow other man or woman say to you that you are less than you are. Listen to me now, because you are the most precious thing that God ever created. Moreover, you were the best creature that God did, and you are the most impressive child that I ever saw, and you will be the most special woman that this world will ever see. I believe it, because I know you. I believe it, because I love you. 
Oh my darling. Oh my little darling…
There are many things to teach you. On the other hand, there are many things to learn from you too. I rely on you, and I believe that one of my duties is to show you how to have dignity. Remember always that you need other people in this life, as well as you need to respect, to fight for the truth and be zealous with the righteousness. Never lie, never hate and never tread under the others. Fight always for what you believe, and know that I am here to be your soldier in every battle. I am grateful with the time beside you. See your smile everyday worth more than all the money of the world. Feel your happiness is more than a wish. It is a reality that I want to grant. I want to be your friend, your support, your security, your dad, and the whole role you need that I assume. 
Therefore, I will always be your father. During the happiness and the darkness. If you be happy, I want be glee with you. If you wish something, I will have all effort to reach it for you. Even when you have difficulties and have sad time with some problems, I want to alleviate and assume the entire pain supporting you. Now know it. These three moments will happen in your life; happiness, wishes and sadness. Although it, be prepared and do not have fear. Be sure, I know that you can fight against anything in life, and I always will be there for you, because I love you.


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Are they employees or consumers?

Who is the most important, the consumer or the employee? Sincerely, I believe to be the employee who is treated as consumer. In my point of view, when the company understands that it is necessary to treat the employees firstly as consumer, for only after that treat them as clerk, the constitution of this enterprise will be effectively better.
When a company has the relationship with the employees like consumers, this company treats these people as the most important patrimony, because it is possible realize that it is essential invest efforts to construct employees relying on the company, putting energy to build a solid company, and most important, liking and using constantly the products of the company. Moreover, it is important perceive the clerk believing in the company and the brand. When this is what is happening, it is possible to have more compromise and application. Although it is not possible to emphasize that employees working within a company as part of this company will work better and more motivated, it is possible to feel that these employees will be blissful and satisfied with the company and the products.
Meanwhile, the employees that only work inside a company where they do not believe to be part of it, but only a piece of the machine, seems to be less involved with the company. They do not have the motivation to struggle with the company in good and bad moments, because for them, they are only clerk within it. They are not part of the company, or part of the family, or still part of the brand. Otherwise, the feeling of this sort of employee is that it is not necessary to do more than what is described in the function that they carried out. Thus, when the clerk work only to carry out the tasks they are feeling less integrated than when the company shows and treats them as an important part of the family.
On the other hand, the companies that have treated the employees firstly as consumer know that they are using the goods and services that the company has done. Why is this important? Because these people talk about what they believe. Moreover, they work believing in what they are doing. Furthermore, they have more motivation and strengths doing what they do. Therefore, it is as they have more compromise with the company and with the function that they are carrying out.
In conclusion, it is clear that what have done a company survive and grow is their consumers, but when these companies have treated the employees as consumers, they are not only increasing the amount of the consumers buying the products and services of the company, but still enlarging the efforts and effectiveness of the company, in function of the better efforts of their employees, because they are feeling part of the company and not only a piece of the process.