Sunday, April 17, 2016

For a better future?!

Since I was a child, I have been listening a lot of people around me saying that Brasil is a potencial country to be a first world nation. Unfortunately, one government comes another goes and our country carry on without grow up or flourish like a promissory nation. Today, like in 1992 we had in Brasil another impeachment process. The result is not what I want to comment here, but the void hope between our population.
Firstly, I am favorable to the impeachment like I am favorable to punishment for all the corruptive politicians in our country, but I am not a foolish guy. This impeachment will not change our culture or the form like the population votes. Tomorrow, the population will vote in corrupt politicians again, because we need to learn like to be respectful, polite, smart and not more think in our benefits but in the Brasil's ones.
Secondly, this section at the House of Representatives shows to the world like our representatives are uneducated, hypocrites and do not respect the nation. Watching the process I had impression to be watching a circus in action. Interesting see a lot of corrupt politicians taking off another one. The dirty judging the other dirty.
Then, I hope to live in one better country in the future. I hope to have a serious country for my family. I hope that my daughter can be proud on this country one day. We need to learn and change our corrupt minds. I will carry on hoping for a special day when we will smile with a country working correctly without corruption, manipulation and impunity.