Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Two great movies

I want to talk about two great movies that a watched recently. These films are that kind of the movie that has ability to motivate when you see. These films can change the mood. You will feel a good emotion if you watch. Overcoming is the right word to summarize this movies. Humans have great ability to overcame bad things, and we can learn with the other's experience.  "Brian's song" is based in a true story about two men that played american football together and overcame serious situations together. In the begin they wasn't friends, but during the time the friendship and the confidentiality appear between this two guys. You will weep a lot if you watch this movie. The second is called "The music never stopped" and is about a family that needs to overcome bad situations, when the son loses the memory and needs the musics and the musics' emotions to live better. A moving form to overcome troubles and a life lesson. Absolutely, two great stories that I recomend to you.


See you soon and have a good life...

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