Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The truth about politics

Well, I think that almost all the brasilians and other people know about the situation of our country. We are with economics troubles and corruption problems too. These things aren't new to us, and show us what kind of the issues we are living in Brasil. Sad and mad are the facts that these things have been happening in Brasil a some time, but the people have been voting at the same politicians. Our country still has not learned to vote. And now, the people want to go to the streets to protest against the government. This is crazy. A few months ago, the brasilians could change the president but have chosen to stay with the same. I think that I don't need go out to protest now. My protest was a time ago (in october), when I didn't vote in our president. The responsibility is now of everyone that have elected the president again. I guess that is late to cry now. But you want the truth? Next election, the brasilians will vote wrong again. This nation doesn't learn. This is the truth...

This picture is in Sacramento, USA. See you...

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