Why are relationships so tough? Why can we not understand our peers? Why do we have difficulty to find out what they are thinking or what motivates them? Our bigger problem is that we can not change people at their core, and we know less about our fellows than we think. When you are trying to have a fruitful relationship with people within your company, school, church, home, or everywhere, remember that it is necessary the development of two components: firstly, you need to develop the ability to read people, and secondly, you need a general understanding of the overall patters of human behavior.

When we are considering other people, we must take care about our considerations. We need to understand that our form to think the world and the happenings around it can be different. Moreover, we have the tendency to suppose our truth on the things being truly veracity. Each person has its own truth. We are not the owner of the truth. Therefore, we should learn about the others. It is necessary pay attention to the minimal details like their tone of voice, the look in their eye, their body language, all signals, and mainly it is necessary put other peers inside a context. They have a singular family, a specific education, a particular mindset, a unique way to live with emotions, a explicit culture, and many circumstantial characteristics more. Although can be difficult we need to consider that our form to live can be singular in relation with others. Thus, we are not the center of the world, but part of it. The entire world has divergent ways of thinking, acting and decision. Then, do not establish the correct way of thinking and behaving, because its righteous way might not exist.
Then, what is the solution? Learn to read other people, considering always the diferences and singularities. When you pay attention to the minimal details and you are open minded you tend to grow up fast in relationships.
On the other hand, we can consider some elements as deadly realities of human behavior. Even though each fellow can be unique and singular, the studies have sticked to some important points about negative qualities inside humankind. Weigh these seven points when you are trying to increase your skills in relationships.
1- ENVY: Despite a big deal of us deny it, we are envious people. It is our nature to constantly compare ourselves to others. If it is about skills, beauty, position or other aspects, surely we will always suffer with envious behavior.
2- CONFORMISM: People tend to establish good relationships with others who share the same kind of ideas, because those who are markedly different make them feel uncomfortable and insecure. Thus, you will have always people that exclude you because they can not live with your way of realize and do things.
3- RIGIDITY: People tend to believe in things that worked in the past, therefore they follow procedures that they believe to be correct. Even though you consider them irrational concepts, might be useless to fight against them.
4- SELF-OBSESSIVENESS: People are always considering themselves before you. They want to be succeeded, promoted and rise up fast. Thus, narcissism is something you can seldom reject.
5- LAZINESS: Rarely people want to establish an effort to construct success, instead of that, it is easier steal best ideas from others, or equally share the success of the fellow without big effort. Be wary of people who want to collaborate, and keep your ideas to yourself. Seems cruel, nonetheless watch over.
6- EMOTIONS: Beware before rely on other peers. People are changeable, mainly when we are considering feelings and emotions. People around you, constantly under the pull of their emotions, change their ideas by the day or by the hour, depending on their mood.
7- PASSIVE AGRESSION: This is something hard to identify and to figure out. It is possible that some people are passively harming you. Although can seem as an accident, they are controlling the dynamic and affecting you under a passive-agressive attack.
In conclusion of it, we can perceive as the capability to read the other and understand certain aspects of human behavior can help us to develop better relationships with our peers, fellows and relatives. As you are crafting the appropriate persona for you, it is necessary to understand that others are trying the same for themselves, and that searching for clues inside human behavior can help us establish better relationships.
Nice week, see you soon!