Tuesday, October 20, 2015

An Ozzy Osbourne's book

Think in a crazy guy that did a lot of odd and insane things. Now, Imagine this guy giving good advices to the people. Is it haunt, is not? Yes. Definitely I had had a good surprise when I did read the Ozzy Osbourne's book called "Trust me, I'm Dr. Ozzy". I hadn't ever imagined that a guy that was addict of the drugs, alcohol drinks and bad habits like eat a bat on the stage, could give us some good advices like we find on. There are a lot within this book. Of course, he is not a doctor like the title claim. Neither he is a specialist in medicine. And the language he is using into the book isn't perfect, but something that we need confirm is that Ozzy can influence a lot of people. He is a public person. Giving ourselves a lot of good tips and advices is definitely something that I didn't expect. The biggest part of the book are the texts that he had written for the Rolling Stones's magazine with the fans' questions. An Ozzy Osbourne that can save some people from the darkness, from where he loves be called "The princess of darkness". Amazing contradiction. A wonderful week for all...

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