Fortunately we have Netflix. If you are like me, and love to watch mainly series, I am sure, you have been enjoying Netflix. Usually, I have been watching a big deal of series on Netflix, and I would like to share with you my list with top 20 series from Netflix. Two things need to be comprehended: I am considering the options from Netflix Brasil, which can be different from other countries, and I am not considering series out of Netflix. Then of course that I love "Game of Thrones" for example, but it is not considered because it is not part of the Netflix series.

Surprisingly since the beginning unto the end. The plot is brainy, the characters are perfect and you need to be prepared to ride on a roller coaster of emotions. This is that kind of story you will love to support the villain. Or will be he a hero?

With Dexter - a man who investigates crimes during the day and is a murderer during the night - you will be on the edge of the couch. Factly, this is that type of series you can not halt watching, and when the seasons end up, you will wish to watch even more. Another villain-hero to fall in love.

When you perceive the plot is about a guy that go to prison with the map of there tattooed hidden on back to try flee from there with his brother arrested innocently, you can not await other thing that not a fantastic series, mainly in the two first seasons. A new emotion each episode.

Do you want to live inside a prison for women? Like the song from the beginning say, "the cage is full and you've got time". With characters sharing different stories, a lot of conflicts and adventurous situations, this is a series better than you think in one first moment. Maybe scenes with lesbian sex can disturb some people, but not stronger than the amazing plot. Worth to try out.

Based on real facts from the past about the Vikings, this series is absolutely awesome. Although many violent scenes - normal between Viking civilization - you have the chance to be acquainted with part of the history, and appreciate some hours with a strong, amazing and unmissable creation. Worth each hour in front of the TV. Other opportunity to be on the edge of the couch.

The first time that I watched this series, I absolutely freaked out. Impossible do not fall in love at the first sight with this actual issue, talking about terrorism. Moreover, each chapter wrapped up create in you a necessity to watch the next instantaneously. Each episode you will change the mind about the happenings. Hero or villain?! This question will persecute you still unto the end.

Despite some people do not know, this series is a surprisingly treasure. You can find a good suspense with incredible surprises, and a wit plot. One more time, your opinion can change, because the story about the death of one boy is a mysterious puzzle. Who killed him?

Although this series will not continue, and we need to be satisfied with only the first season, the matter is fantastic. It is about dead people returning to life. By the way, they do not return like zombies but normal human beings, what have done this story greatly exciting. What would you do if one dead relative come back to life 30 years after with the same age and body? Incredible, intriguing and mysterious.

What can I talk about Walking Dead? One of more successful series of all times, seems to have something to transform each fan in one addict. In fact, if you like stories with apocalyptic scenario, this is an unmissable chance of awesome entertainment. Struggle with them to survive!

Aside from the fact that this series is based on the movie "Psycho", most precisely talking about the beginning of the story, and that envolves a lot of familiar drama, you can be surprise with the power of envolvement when you are watching it. Take care: are you sure, do you want to be a guest from Bates family?

The expectation is high awaiting the second season from this series. Telling the story from Pablo Escobar's life, you will be intrigued with the power that this man had. He was a national hero for the population in Colombia, still being a drug dealer and doing narcoterrorism. Worth the time spent it.

Unless politic is something unsupportable to you, you will find a great series. This story reveal the black side of the House of Representatives in USA. Furthermore, the story is centered in one character arrogant, abusive, egocentric, cruel, cold and manipulative, struggling to be President of the United States. The series, by the way, seems a lot with our reality in Brasil. Likely it is the reason of the success of this series here. Worth to note: I hate politics but I love this series.

Do you love stories from super heroes? Well, this is not a story from super hero, but the beginning of the Batman's life (Bruce Wayne). Surprisingly, he is not the center of the happenings in Gotham City, but an investigator working in criminal cases throughout the city. You find The Penguin, The Riddler, Poison Ivy ,The Cat-woman, Two-face, The Scarecrow, Mr.Freeze and others. A different sight for the story. Interesting...

If you liked to watch "Making a Murderer" - this is a real and unmissable series to watch too - you will be enchanted with this story. A man receive lethal injection on prison, and after his death, the truth about his innocence appear, and a lot of mysteries and involved facts are developed. Undoubtedly this is one story that worth to watch, even being very unknown from big part of the public.

What talk about this plot? The entire story was well architected. Although seems an exaggerated number of chapters to watch a woman revenging the ambush with her father, in each new chapter you will fall in love more with this plot and the main character. Do you want to project your rage? Then, enjoy watching this series.

At the beginning I thought be unworthy to watch this series, then I decided to try out. It is even better call Saul, because he is the man. You can meet with this man, smart, fun, meticulous and brave lawyer in front of your TV, trying numerous forms to earn money and growing up in career. If you are needing an attorney, it is really Better Call Saul, or not?

Following this line of lawyers, I would like to emphasize a spectacular and remarkable sequence of happenings within this series. It is curious like they blend mystery, drama and intelligent sequence here. If you like trials and an adventurous story mixed with surprising events, this series is unmissable for you. What is more important, the truth or protect yourself?

This is an odd story. Some people love it and other hate it. I know that some of you will hate it here. How does he put Hemlock Grove on Top 20? I do not know, but I have some bond with this series. I was not putting it here, but I can not avoid it. Worth to be 18th for me.

Like the name is saying, this story is about some outlaw people, driving motorcycles and selling guns and other illegal substances. Would you like to be an eagle and fly free? Without rules and with your own desires? This series is for you. Furthermore, it is impossible do not go deep within this plot. Another roller coaster of emotions.

I always feel up to watch good stories. Undoubtedly this is one more chance. Another story with that plot which has people returning from death. The first season is spectacular. I confess that I was frustrated with the final of the second one. Even so, worth to be watched. You will have a great time with a good entertainment, and even the strange parts can be interesting.
Of course that it is impossible to please all. I confess that it was difficult to choose these 20. There are many other good possibilities on Netflix. If you like odd and mysterious things you have: Sense 8, American Horror Story, The Lizzie Borden Chronicles, and Bitten. If you prefer to watch the most famous you have: Lost, Criminal Minds, Bones, Dr.House, Supernatural, Jericho, The Following, Suits, Blacklist, and The Americans. If your preference is from comedy: How I met your mother, Friends, and Love. If you like antique stories: The Borgias and Reign. If you prefer vampires: The Vampire Diaries, The Originals and TeenWolf. If it is better for you scientific fiction: The 100, The 4400 and The X Files. And it is still possible to find out good surprises like: Touch, Scorpion, Lie to Me and Bloodline.
I know that I can not please you totally. Then, share with me your opinion. Create your own list. But if you did not watch any of these options that I have listed, then try out, because there are many treasures hidden on Netflix.